Monday, June 21, 2010


When MobileMe (formerly .Mac) first came out, I paid my fee to be a loyal Apple supporter. I never actually used any of the products. I had my own web server so I didn't need online storage or websites. Nor did I need another email address. After things for Apple started to turn around, I let my subscription lapse.
Then something happened. I kept all my information (e.g., calendar, contacts, and so on) on my laptop and I synced all of this info with my iPhone on a regular basis. I also regularly backed everything up. Then I got a shiny new iMac in my office. This meant I wasn't taking my laptop back and forth to campus any more. However, I wanted to have all my information synced between the two computers and my iPhone.

I started looking at solutions like the apps from Google, like Google Calendar but I was just seeing too many hurdles to make it all work. The price for many of these options was really low and even free, but the set-up and hoops just seems like a barrier. So I started using using MobileMe. Like most things Apple, it just works. My contacts, bookmarks, calendars, etc are all synced between my computers, iPhone and now my iPad. If I make a change on one, it's updated everywhere. Also, I can access this info from the Web if I'm without my iPhone or computer. Additionally, the "Find my iPhone/iPad" option found at is huge! iPhones/iPads aren't cheap and the ability to locate it and even lock it remotely is worth the yearly subscription cost.

While $99 a year is a little salty, the convenience is worth the cost. In addition, I do get 20GB of storage online and it could handle some back-ups, etc. I don't use those features, but they are available if I needed them. It is pretty handy to put albums up from iPhoto for others to download images. I don't have to do much to get the album up there so it's a time saver for me as well.

If you haven't tried MobileMe, you can try if for free for 60 days. If you have multiple devices, I'll bet you find it worth the $99 a year.